WOW Journal

WOW facial for Rosacea

Approx 5 minute read | WOW facial for Rosacea In your 30s, after having spent most of your 20s stressing about acne, your skin should finally be clear and smooth, shouldn’t it? In your 30s, after having spent most of your 20s stressing about acne, your skin should finally be clear and smooth, and you […]

Combat lockdown skin

Approx 4 minute read | Lockdown skin really is a thing Are you breaking out more? Finding random dry patches? Noticing unusual redness? Yup, sounds like you could be suffering from ‘Indoor Face’. You can blame it on, well, being indoors.. not to mention stress, lack of sleep, too much junk food, increased screen time, […]

Combat Mask-Induced Acne

Approx 4 minute read | Mask-Induced Acne: Why it happens and how to get rid of it! The Coronavirus pandemic has brought about a number of health issues across the world, one of them being something that can appear futile and superficial, but that is not for those who suffer from it. We are talking […]

WOW Fusion for Acne

Approx 4 minute read | Over recent years, it’s reported that there has been a 200-percent increase in the number of adults seeking acne treatment with close to 85-percent of adults experiencing some form of acne in their lifetime, it comes as no surprise this is one of the most common issues that our WOW […]

Adult Acne Explained

Approx 3 minute read | Adult acne, or post-adolescent acne, is acne that occurs after the age of 25. On the contrary to popular belief, acne isn’t just a problem for teenagers! In actual fact, according to studies by the NHS, 95% of people are affected by acne to some extent right up until their […]