Web apps that help you lead a healthy lifestyle

We’re stuck into busy life. Business trips, conferences, friends meetings, work, Friday evening cocktails, studies. Time goes so fast, and sometimes we don’t even have time for ourselves, for our health and body. We forget to drink water and make morning workouts. We eat fast and unconsciousness and sometimes, it’s hard to remember, that you had for lunch.

But there is only one thing we never forget — mobile phone.

Thus phone can be a useful tool in order to remember that we are actually aimed to live a healthy life. I can help to make up your body and health, track your calories or even be your personal fitness trainer.

There are a lot of apps created to do that. And today we are going to pass thru some of them.

Stay hydrated

There is a scientifically proven case that we need to drink clean water during the day. Its volume depends on your weight and location. If you live in Miami or California, the body is willing to drink more, if you located at North you will drink less.

My water balance is one of those apps that help you track the number of water you drink during the day. As well you can create and customize notifications in order to reach your daily goal.

Make up your running routine

How many times during the last month you went out on the track for a run: five, ten or less? Every time we promise ourselves: “starting from this day on I’m going to make it constantly, three times a week, without excuses”. But how many times did you failed?

All failures caused because of the luck of motivation. Trainers said that it is easier to pick up yourself if there is a person that pushes you. But what if you don’t have that person nearby?

Social networks were created to fight that problem.

Nike + run club can be your motivator and personal trainer. Schedule your exercises, track them and share to your own running network. Gather your friends and create your closed community. Motivate each other, and maybe one day, you even will be able to run a marathon.

Write down what you eat

Nutritionists believe that people who write down all food they are consuming throughout the day lose weight 2 times faster.

That’s happened because a lot of quick, High-calorie snacks eaten throughout the day, stay out of our attention. Writing it down you bring consciousness to your ingestions. It helps to stay fit and healthy and even lose your weight.

There are a lot of food diary related apps. You can choose what is right for you. We tested “see how you eat”, which helps to calculate calories and track carbohydrates – proteins balance.